Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Fall District 5 - Mountain tournament for the age group.
U13 Boys D5 12 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Centre Soccer Association
Centre Soccer 2012B
0505-0015B12-0836   Christopher Pike
 A2 FC814
FC814 - McCarter 2012/13 boys / U13 - D5
0581-0025B12-1560   David McCarter
 A3 Northern Blair County SC
0538-0015B12-1496   Alex Bartlett
 A4 Dubois Soccer Association
DSA U-13 Boys (Red)
0507-1145B12-0293   Gabreal Gallegos
 A5 FC814
FC814 - Celtic Boys 2013 / U12 - D5A
0581-0025B13-1563   Gary DePalma
 A6 FC814
FC814 - Gladiators 2013 Boys / U12 - D5A
0581-0025B13-1555   Anthony Lang
 B1 Dubois Soccer Association
DSA U-13 Boys (Black)
0507-1145B12-0294   Kalyn McGarvey
 B2 Clearfield
Clearfield - U13 Boys Pa West
0506-1245B12-8053   Anthony Caiola
 B3 Dubois Soccer Association
DSA-Brockway 2012 Boys
0507-1145B12-0296   Craig Hughes
 B4 Centre Soccer Association
Centre Soccer 2013B
0505-0015B13-0837   Harry Haverkos
 B5 Bellefonte Soccer Association
0503-1935B12-0003   Eugene Clancy
 B6 Huntingdon Soccer Club
Huntingdon Soccer Club - B2013/12
0509-1925B12-0075   Kian Holmes